How To Clean Silicone Sex Toys?

Wash your toy with antibacterial soap and warm water or boil it for two to three minutes. Make sure that there’s no motor wrapped inside the silicone; otherwise, your sex toy will be ruined. Let it air dry.

How To Clean Rubber Sex Toy?
Wash your toy with antibacterial soap and warm water.

How To Clean Plastic Sex Toys?
Wash your toy with antibacterial soap and warm water or rub it down with alcohol (rinse with water afterwards).

How To Clean Latex Sex Toys?
Wash your toy with antibacterial soap and warm water.

How To Clean Jelly Sex Toys
Wash your toy with antibacterial soap and warm water.

How To Clean Cyberskin Sex Toys?
You can wash your toy with soap and warm water. Afterwards, air dry the toy and then apply cornstarch powder to help it maintain its special texture. You can wash off the powder the next time you take your toy out to play

What is Silicone Sex Toys?
These toys feel very lifelike because the material is soft, flexible and smooth. Silicone is also good at retaining body temperature, so it adds a spark of realism to your sexual fantasy. Silicone sex toys are also hypoallergenic and they don’t smell like rubber. The material is relatively easy to clean and is very durable; if you wash your toys after each use, they can last for a long time. Though they usually cost a little more than the average plaything, silicone sex toys have a long lifespan and are easy to preserve

What Is Rubber Sex Toys?
This material is still soft and relatively flexible, but not as much as silicone or jelly toys. These toys are cheap and versatile, but the latex rubber is porous and hard to clean. When possible, use a condom when playing with your rubber toys. If you have a latex allergy, it’s best if you avoid rubber toys.

What Is Plastic Sex Toys?
These toys are very durable and if you don’t drop them too often, they’ll last a long time. Plastic is smooth and solid, so the vibrations don’t lose any power when they travel through the material. This makes plastic sex toys perfect for penetration stimulation and are recommended for those who love strong vibrations.

What Is Latex Sex Toys?
Soft yet firm, latex is a very popular sex toy material. These toys are relatively inexpensive, so they are recommended for people who want to experiment before investing in higher quality sex toys. Since latex is absorbent, bacteria can easily develop on the surface of the toy. Use a condom (if possible) when playing with your toy and clean it carefully after each use. If you’re allergic to latex rubber, avoid latex sex toys.

What Is Jelly Sex Toys?
These are very popular sex toys because jelly is cheap and can easily conform to your shape and size. However, jelly is a soft material and can absorb vibrations, softening the pulsating feeling of your toy. Jelly is also porous and hard to clean; don’t use the same jelly toy for both anal and vaginal penetration. When possible, use a condom when playing with your jelly toys

What Is Cyberskin Sex Toys?
Cyberskin™ sex toys is as close to the feel of real skin as a toy can get. A combination of silicone and plastic, Cyberskin™ sex toys will cost you a little more. But the investment is usually worth it because these toys feel comfortable and wonderfully realistic. However, these toys require diligent cleaning.

Can I Have Your Pictures After We Ordering?
Yes definitely we will offer pictures. We will put your pictures file in website, then we will send you user name and password to download.

Do Your Sex Toys Phthalate-Free?
Yes we promise all of our products are phthalate-free.

How To Import As I Didn’t Do It Before?

For small order, you can only place order with us and do the payment, we will check the stock and send goods out by DHL(etc), it is door to door, so you don’t have to worry about this. For big order by ship, please contact Jason (Dispatch Dept.), he will teach you how to process in detail.